A Structured Analysis of Smartphone Applications to Early Diagnose Alzheimer ́s Disease or Dementia

Creators: Polzer, Nina and Gewald, Heiko
Title: A Structured Analysis of Smartphone Applications to Early Diagnose Alzheimer ́s Disease or Dementia
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Projects: IDI
Journal or Series Title: Procedia Computer Science
Page Range: pp. 448-453
Date: 25 September 2017
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): This research provides a structured overview of the available smartphone applications aiming to early diagnose Alzheimer´s Disease or Dementia applying serious gaming mechanisms. Five applications have been identified by conducting a literature research through a keyword search on scientific databases and via google search. The applications are arranged according to their different objectives and what they have already achieved so far, to demonstrate the current state of serious gaming applications in this area. Although this literature research reveals promising approaches in the current research, the market of smartphone applications using serious gaming to early detect Alzheimer´s Disease or Dementia is in the very early stages.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: Alzheimer´s Disease; Dementia; Early Diagnosis; Smartphone Applications; Serious Gaming
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Polzer, Nina and Gewald, Heiko (2017) A Structured Analysis of Smartphone Applications to Early Diagnose Alzheimer ́s Disease or Dementia. Procedia Computer Science, 113. pp. 448-453. ISSN 1877-0509

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