Facility Location Problems in City Crowd Logistics

Creators: Herrmann, Emanuel and Kunze, Oliver
Title: Facility Location Problems in City Crowd Logistics
Item Type: Book Section
Projects: ILR
Page Range: pp. 117-134
Additional Information: Open Access
Date: 28 November 2019
Divisions: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Abstract (ENG): This work deals with facility location in a physical internet environment. Three questions are being dealt with. What is a suitable number and spread of via-point locations for a CCL-concept, how sensitive does the number of via point location react to changes in transport costs and how can the relevant cost parameters roughly be estimated? In a reduced complexity setup, i.e. a two level transportation chain, we compute a total of 8 different structural scenarios using different generative approaches and compared their cost structures.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: City Logistics; Crowd Logistics; Physical Internet; Facility Location
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Herrmann, Emanuel and Kunze, Oliver (2019) Facility Location Problems in City Crowd Logistics. In: Urban Mobility - Shaping the Future Together : mobil TUM 2018 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport / Antoniou, Constantinos et al. (Eds). Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 117-134. (Transportation Research Procedia; 41). ISBN / ISSN 2352-1465

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