Pre-Modelled Flexibility for the Control-Flow of Business Processes: Requirements and Interaction with Users

Creators: Bauer, Thomas
Title: Pre-Modelled Flexibility for the Control-Flow of Business Processes: Requirements and Interaction with Users
Item Type: Book Section
Projects: CoPMoF
Page Range: pp. 833-857
Date: 2021
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): At process-aware information systems (PAIS), it is sometimes necessary to deviate from the predefined process. Otherwise the users are restricted too much. This paper presents an ap¬proach that allows to pre-model predictable flexibility already at build-time. An advantage, compared to completely dy-namic changes at run-time, is that the effort for the end users necessary to trigger a deviation is reduced significantly. Furthermore, process safety is in-creased since, for instance, it can be predefined which users are allowed to perform which modifications. The corresponding requirements for the con-trol-flow perspective are presented in this paper, with a special focus on the kind of information that shall be predefined at build-time. Examples from practice are presented in order to illustrate the necessity of the requirements. Furthermore, the interaction with the users is explained in order to show that triggering a flexible deviation causes only little effort at run-time.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English

Bauer, Thomas (2021) Pre-Modelled Flexibility for the Control-Flow of Business Processes: Requirements and Interaction with Users. In: Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) / Filipe, Joaquim et al. (Eds). Cham: Springer, pp. 833-857. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; 417). ISBN 9783030754181

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