Research Challenges for the Modelling of the Resource and Organizational View

Creators: Laue, Ralf and Bauer, Thomas
Title: Research Challenges for the Modelling of the Resource and Organizational View
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Projects: AdvancedBPM
Journal or Series Title: EMISA Forum
Page Range: pp. 25-26
Date: December 2020
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): One reason for the success of automating business processes by means of business process management systems (BPMS) is that with BPMN, a widely accepted industry standard exists. The availability of a standard together with powerful visual process diagramming tools allows (up to a certain degree) to model processes independently of the runtime environment. However, a closer look reveals that not all relevant information is equally well supported by BPMN. The ISO standard 19439 [In06] differentiates between four views: The function view (process steps and decisions) and the information view (flow of data) are what can be called the core function of BPMN. On the other hand, the resource view (describing human as well as technical resources) and the organizational view (describing responsibilities and authorities) are to a large degree outside the scope of the BPMN standard. Nevertheless, for describing the execution of business processes and for automating them, the latter two views have to be considered as well. In our work, we investigated the state of research on modelling the resource and organizational view. We found that while there is quite a lot of research on this topic, some requirements of practical relevance are still not yet fully covered. Furthermore, we examined how information on resource and organizational view has to be modelled in four current BPMS. We found that all four tools provided basic support for this purpose, but did not cover all requirements, for example with respect to more complex substitution plans.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: business process management system, workflow system, resource perspective, resource modelling
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Laue, Ralf and Bauer, Thomas (2020) Research Challenges for the Modelling of the Resource and Organizational View. EMISA Forum, 40 (1). pp. 25-26.

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