Towards a Classification Framework of Smart Services for Machine Manufacturers

Creators: Lang, Klaus and Schallmo, Daniel and Grathwohl, Marius and Mayr, Carolin and Ehmig-Klassen, Katharina
Title: Towards a Classification Framework of Smart Services for Machine Manufacturers
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Event Title: (Proceedings of the) XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World"
Event Location: Copenagen, Denmark
Event Dates: June, 5-8, 2022
Projects: IFE
Date: 2022
Divisions: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Abstract (ENG): Machine builders are struggling to exploit the potential of Smart Services in ways that are both technologically possible and beneficial for the customer. This paper pursues the idea of defining a Smart Service Portfolio based on functionality patterns. It proposes a classification framework for Smart Services as a starting point for the definition of a Smart Service Portfolio. The analysis is based on a review of scientific and grey literature. The application of the Smart Service Classification to real-world manufacturers has shown that classification can effectively support the definition of a Smart Service Portfolio as the framework may incorporate the experiences and lessons of manufacturer companies. Further research is required to generalize the findings.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: Industrial Smart Services; Smart Service Portfolio; Classification Framework; Digital Transformation; Servitization; Manufacturing Industry
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Lang, Klaus and Schallmo, Daniel and Grathwohl, Marius and Mayr, Carolin and Ehmig-Klassen, Katharina (2022) Towards a Classification Framework of Smart Services for Machine Manufacturers. In: (Proceedings of the) XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", June, 5-8, 2022, Copenagen, Denmark. (LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications). ISBN 9789523356948

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