Digital Follow-up after Surgery – A Randomized Controlled Trial and its Effects on Patients’ Adherence and Doctor-Patient Relationship

Creators: Seerig, Kirsten H. and Finze, Nikola and Yang, Cui and Gewald, Heiko
Title: Digital Follow-up after Surgery – A Randomized Controlled Trial and its Effects on Patients’ Adherence and Doctor-Patient Relationship
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Event Title: (Proceedings of the) 18th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 (WI23) ; 53
Event Location: Paderborn, Germany
Event Dates: 18.-21. September 2023
Projects: IDI
Page Range: Paper 270
Additional Information: Research-in-Progress Paper
Date: 2023
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): The increasing digitalization of healthcare fosters the use of digital applications for patient treatment, especially regarding rehabilitation and aftercare. This study focuses on patients’ adherence to aftercare via a mobile health application and the role of the altered doctor-patient relationship. In a randomized controlled trial at a German university hospital, digital follow-up after surgery is compared to conventional outpatient aftercare. Qualitative interviews with medical personnel and patients in the intervention and the control group will be conducted after one year of implementation to investigate if digital aftercare could replace outpatient follow-up. Preliminary findings indicate the benefits of digital follow-up, like immediate contact with medical staff and higher patient involvement. Doctor-patient communication remains crucial even in the digital space.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English

Seerig, Kirsten H. and Finze, Nikola and Yang, Cui and Gewald, Heiko (2023) Digital Follow-up after Surgery – A Randomized Controlled Trial and its Effects on Patients’ Adherence and Doctor-Patient Relationship. In: (Proceedings of the) 18th Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 (WI23) ; 53, 18.-21. September 2023, Paderborn, Germany, Paper 270.

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