Information Sharing as a Competitive Supply Chain Strategy: Mapping the Various Antecedents

Creators: Engel, Tobias
Title: Information Sharing as a Competitive Supply Chain Strategy: Mapping the Various Antecedents
Item Type: Thesis
Date: October 2015
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract: Das Teilen von Informationen erlaubt es Firmen die Performance in Lieferketten zu steigern. Jedoch unterscheidet sich die Weitergabe von operativen und strategischen Informationen aufgrund verschiedener Einflussfaktoren. Diese Thesis analysiert und erklärt Zusammenhänge zwischen den Faktoren sowie deren Auswirkung auf die Informationsweitergabe. Mit Hilfe der Analyse werden Konzepte entwickelt um beiderseitiges Teilen von Informationen zu realisieren sowie Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten.
Abstract (ENG): Information sharing allows firms to improve their supply chain performance. However, operational and strategic information sharing differ as they are determined by different antecedents. This thesis analyzes and explains inter-dependencies among the antecedents, and their impact on information sharing. Drawing from the analysis, concepts on how to manage the antecedents are developed for achieving mutual information sharing. This allows deriving guidelines for supply chain information sharing.
Forthcoming: No
Study Programme: Other - Outside HNU
Language: English
Blocking Notice: No
Link eMedia: Download

Engel, Tobias (2015) Information Sharing as a Competitive Supply Chain Strategy: Mapping the Various Antecedents. Dissertation thesis, Technische Universität München.

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