Managing people in hostile environments: lessons learned and new grounds in HR research

Creators: Bader, Benjamin and Schuster, Tassilo and Dickmann, Michael
Title: Managing people in hostile environments: lessons learned and new grounds in HR research
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Journal or Series Title: International Journal of Human Resource Management
Page Range: pp. 2809-2830
Date: 2019
Divisions: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Abstract (ENG): Questions related to managing people in hostile environments have become more central on the agenda of business leaders and HR professionals in MNCs. This is due to developments such as the increase of terrorism or the political instability in many regions. In consequence, research on the role of HR in hostile environments has increased as well, though it can still be considered in its early stages. We would like to review the current state of research on managing people in hostile environment. In particular, with this article we contribute to the literature by developing a conceptual framework that distinguishes between micro-, meso- and marco-level research and charts progress, mechanisms and results. We call this the Situation – Response – Outcome (SRO) Framework of HRM in hostile environments. Depending on the level of analysis, the framework further differentiates between a pre-crises, acute-crisis, and post-crises phases of HRM in hostile environments. As a result, it serves as the basis to cluster existing literature around it and to show avenues for future research.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: terrorism ; hostile environments ; people management ; situation - response - outcomes framework ; research agenda

Bader, Benjamin and Schuster, Tassilo and Dickmann, Michael (2019) Managing people in hostile environments: lessons learned and new grounds in HR research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 (20). pp. 2809-2830. ISSN 1466-4399

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