Expatriate Social Networks in Terrorism-Endangered Countries: An Empirical Analysis in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia

Creators: Bader, Benjamin and Schuster, Tassilo
Title: Expatriate Social Networks in Terrorism-Endangered Countries: An Empirical Analysis in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Journal or Series Title: Journal of International Management
Page Range: pp. 63-77
Date: 2015
Divisions: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Abstract (ENG): Despite the increasing relevance for international business, international assignments in terrorism-endangered countries have hardly been analyzed. Applying a social network perspective, this study investigates the impact of expatriate social network characteristics on psychological well-being in the terrorism-endangered environment of Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. Drawing on data surveying 175 expatriates, the study finds that large and diversified networks positively affect the psychological well-being of international expatriates. When including the influence of terrorism it is revealed that a higher terrorism level per se does not necessarily negatively affect the psychological well-being of expatriates, however, the impact of expatriate social network characteristics on psychological well-being is amplified. Hence, social networks are more beneficial on expatriates' psychological well-being in countries which suffer from terrorism. Discussing these findings, the study also differentiates between closeness with host country nationals and other nationalities, and presents several implications for managers how to improve psychological well-being.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: Expatriate social networks ; Country risk ; Terrorism ; Psychological well-being ; Social support
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Bader, Benjamin and Schuster, Tassilo (2015) Expatriate Social Networks in Terrorism-Endangered Countries: An Empirical Analysis in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Journal of International Management, 21 (1). pp. 63-77. ISSN 1873-0620

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