What would it take to improve the uptake and utilisation of mHealth applications among older Australians? A qualitative study

Creators: Schroeder, Tanja and Seaman, Karla and Nguyen, Amy and Siette, Joyce and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew
Title: What would it take to improve the uptake and utilisation of mHealth applications among older Australians? A qualitative study
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Projects: IDI
Journal or Series Title: Australian Health Review
Page Range: pp. 28-33
Additional Information: Open access
Date: 2024
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): Objective. Health-related apps on mobile devices (mHealth apps) have become an effective self- management tool and treatment support for patients. There is limited research, however, on how older people (50 and over) perceive the opportunity of using mHealth apps. Our aim was to investigate the perceptions of older people in Australia regarding the opportunity of using prescribed or doctor-recommended mHealth apps and provide insights which can enhance their uptake of mHealth. Methods. This was a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews involving 21 participants aged 51–82 years. Qualitative thematic analysis was used to categorise the factors that influence the adoption of mHealth apps by older adults. Results. We show that beyond the prominent influencing factors from technology adoption research (such as performance and effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions), health-specific factors such as a trusting doctor-patient relationship and strong health self-efficacy positively influence the intended adoption of mHealth apps among older adults. In addition, the IT security and accurate interpretation of participants’ input in an mHealth app can present barriers to mHealth app adoption. Conclusion. Our analyses provide additional insights complementing existing technology adoption research. Their successful adoption and utilisation require further empirical evidence on its effectiveness along with attention to the voices of those who are meant to use them. To address potential barriers, improve the quality and security of mHealth apps, and thus achieve greater patient safety, the involvement of consumers, regulators and health professionals is necessary.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: aged care, chronic disease management, eHealth, health behaviour, mHealth applications, patient-centred care, technology adoption research
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Schroeder, Tanja and Seaman, Karla and Nguyen, Amy and Siette, Joyce and Gewald, Heiko and Georgiou, Andrew (2024) What would it take to improve the uptake and utilisation of mHealth applications among older Australians? A qualitative study. Australian Health Review, 48 (1). pp. 28-33. ISSN 1449-8944

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