May the Ontologies Be With You! Towards a User-Friendly Web-Based Editor for Semantic Web Service Description

Creators: Blakowski, Steven and Brune, Philipp
Title: May the Ontologies Be With You! Towards a User-Friendly Web-Based Editor for Semantic Web Service Description
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Event Title: 2016 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
Event Location: Oxford, UK
Event Dates: March 29th - April 1st, 2016
Projects: FISnet
Page Range: pp. 34-41
Date: 1 April 2016
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract: Ontologies as a means for semantic description of web services have been discussed for many years. Various formal languages and correspoding tools using ontologies for describing web services have also been proposed (i.e. OWLS). However, these existing approaches mainly are targeting domain experts creating ontologies. They are often too complex to be used by an average service provider offering web services online. But for offering and retrieving web services from future electronic marketplaces or service registries, a semantic service description is necessary. Therefore, in this paper an approach for an easy-to-use web-based editor for describing web services using ontologies based on the OWL-S language is proposed and evaluated. It not only supports a semantic, but also a commercial description of the web service offered, while remaining compatible with previous approaches addressing such holistic web service descriptions.
Forthcoming: No
Uncontrolled Keywords: Semantic Description Web Services Web-based Editor Service Discovery

Blakowski, Steven and Brune, Philipp (2016) May the Ontologies Be With You! Towards a User-Friendly Web-Based Editor for Semantic Web Service Description. In: 2016 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, March 29th - April 1st, 2016, Oxford, UK, pp. 34-41.

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