Social media management strategies for organizational impression management and their effect on public perception

Creators: Benthaus, Janek and Risius, Marten and Beck, Roman
Title: Social media management strategies for organizational impression management and their effect on public perception
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Projects: IDI
Journal or Series Title: Journal of Strategic Information Systems : JSIS
Page Range: pp. 127-139
Date: 2016
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): With the growing importance of social media, companies increasingly rely on social media management tools to analyze social media activities and to professionalize their social media engagement. In this study, we evaluate how social media management tools, as part of an overarching social media strategy, help companies to positively influence the public perception among social media users. A mixed methods approach is applied, where we quantitatively analyze 15. million user-generated Twitter messages containing information about 45 large global companies highly active on Twitter, as well as almost 160 thousand corresponding messages sent from these companies via their corporate Twitter accounts. Additionally, we conducted interviews with six social media experts to gain complementary insights. By these means, we are able to identify significant differences between different social media management strategies and measure the corresponding effects on the public perception.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: Strategic social media management ; Mixed methods approach ; Impression management ; Receiver operating characteristic analysis ; Twitter ; Public perception
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Benthaus, Janek and Risius, Marten and Beck, Roman (2016) Social media management strategies for organizational impression management and their effect on public perception. Journal of Strategic Information Systems : JSIS, 25 (2). pp. 127-139. ISSN Elsevier

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