Replicators, Ground Drones and Crowd Logistics A Vision of Urban Logistics in the Year 2030

Creators: Kunze, Oliver
Title: Replicators, Ground Drones and Crowd Logistics A Vision of Urban Logistics in the Year 2030
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Projects: ILR
Journal or Series Title: Transportation Research Procedia
Page Range: pp. 286-299
Date: 28 December 2016
Divisions: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Abstract (ENG): How will logistics in cities be carried out in the midterm future? To answer this question an overview of different existing and emerging transport logistics operations is provided, the pros and cons of these different operations are set out. Based on these findings a partial qualitative systemic model is presented which shows how these operations are influenced by global and logistics trends on the one hand and by delivery service requirements on the other hand. Based on this model a vision of urban logistics in Europe in the year 2030 as well as the concept of “Post 4.0” is presented.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: 3D-Printers; Autonomous Electric Vehicles; City-Logistics; Crowd Logistics; Drones; Physical Internet; Post 4.0; Trends
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Kunze, Oliver (2016) Replicators, Ground Drones and Crowd Logistics A Vision of Urban Logistics in the Year 2030. Transportation Research Procedia, 19. pp. 286-299. ISSN 2352-1465

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