Online Support for the Elderly - Why Service and Social Network Platforms should be Integrated

Creators: Boll, Friederike and Brune, Philipp
Title: Online Support for the Elderly - Why Service and Social Network Platforms should be Integrated
Item Type: Article or issue of a publication series
Projects: FISnet
Journal or Series Title: Procedia Computer Science
Page Range: pp. 395-400
Date: 19 September 2016
Divisions: Informationsmanagement
Abstract: Most developed countries currently face a demographic change towards an aging society. In this respect, the so-called transition age between 55 and 75 is crucial for individual health and wellbeing, since it usually is connected with the transition from work life to retirement. This leads to a fundamental change in daily routines and social life, often causing mental or physical health problems. Online Social Networks have been studied for some time already as a means for supporting social inclusion of elderly people. On the other hand, by healthcare providers and welfare organizations an increasing number of support services for elderly people are or will be provided also online in the future. However, the combination of both aspects in order to provide a more holistic online support for elderly people, in particular to those between 55-75, has not been discussed so far. Therefore, in this paper we argue in favor of the concept of an integrated online service and social network for elderly people and present an outline of its intended functionality.
Forthcoming: No
Uncontrolled Keywords: Online Social Networks; Service Network Platforms; Elderly People; Service Description and Retrieval
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Boll, Friederike and Brune, Philipp (2016) Online Support for the Elderly - Why Service and Social Network Platforms should be Integrated. Procedia Computer Science, 98. pp. 395-400. ISSN 1877-0509

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