Development of Mobile Data Collection Applications by Domain Experts: Experimental Results from a Usability Study

Creators: Schobel, Johannes and Pryss, Rüdiger and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Gebhardt, Dominic and Schickler, Marc and Reichert, Manfred
Title: Development of Mobile Data Collection Applications by Domain Experts: Experimental Results from a Usability Study
Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Event Title: (Proceedings of the) 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2017)
Event Location: Essen, Germany
Event Dates: 12. - 16. Juni 2017
Projects: DigiHealth, QuestionSys, MobileDataCollection
Page Range: pp. 60-75
Date: June 2017
Divisions: Gesundheitsmanagement
Abstract (ENG): Despite their drawbacks, paper-based questionnaires are still used to collect data in many application domains. In the QuestionSys project, we develop an advanced framework that enables domain experts to transform paper-based instruments to mobile data collection applications, which then run on smart mobile devices. The framework empowers domain experts to develop robust mobile data collection applications on their own without the need to involve programmers. To realize this vision, a configurator component applying a model-driven approach is developed. As this component shall relieve domain experts from technical issues, it has to be proven that domain experts are actually able to use the configurator properly. The experiment presented in this paper investigates the mental efforts for creating such data collection applications by comparing novices and experts. Results reveal that even novices are able to model instruments with an acceptable number of errors. Altogether, the QuestionSys framework empowers domain experts to develop sophisticated mobile data collection applications by orders of magnitude faster compared to current mobile application development practices.
Forthcoming: No
Language: English
Uncontrolled Keywords: Process-driven applications, End-user programming, Experimental results
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Schobel, Johannes and Pryss, Rüdiger and Schlee, Winfried and Probst, Thomas and Gebhardt, Dominic and Schickler, Marc and Reichert, Manfred (2017) Development of Mobile Data Collection Applications by Domain Experts: Experimental Results from a Usability Study. In: (Proceedings of the) 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2017), 12. - 16. Juni 2017, Essen, Germany, pp. 60-75. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 10253). ISBN 9783319595351

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