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Luzuriaga, Miguel and Kunze, Oliver (2017) A Gift-exchange with Probabilistc Payoffs. International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics : IJABE, 6 (4). ISSN 2160-9802
Kunze, Oliver (2015) Logistics and Fleet Management. In: Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering ; 6 / Crolla, David u.a. (Ed.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 3513-3530.
Kunze, Oliver and Baumgärtel, Hartwig and Rosemeier, Sebastian and Neitmann, Andreas (2012) Dynamic Truck Meeting (DTM) : Ein Prozess- & Schnittstellenstandard zur Realisierung von dynamischen Begegnungsverkehren mit Hilfe von Dispositions- und Telematik-Systemen (Band 1). KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe. (KIT scientific reports; 7613). ISBN 9783866448506
Baumgärtel, Hartwig and Kunze, Oliver and Neitmann, Andreas and Rosemeier, Sebastian (2012) Dynamic Truck Meeting (DTM) : Ein Prozess- & Schnittstellenstandard zur Realisierung von dynamischen Begegnungsverkehren mit Hilfe von Dispositions- und Telematik-Systemen (Band 2). Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe. (KIT scientific reports; 7614). ISBN 9783866448513
Kunze, Oliver (2009) Tourenplanung für den eCommerce-Lebensmittel-Heimlieferservice. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. (Wissenschaftliche Berichte des Institutes für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)). ISBN 9783866440821
Lindemann, Felix and Kunze, Oliver (2013) Widerstandsbasierte Modellierung von modalen Verlagerungseffekten im Güterverkehr – WMVG: Abschlussbericht des Forschungsprojektes Az D 2-F1116.NU/3/2 Gefördert durch das Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst des Freistaates Bayern. Working Paper, Nr. 27, Neu-Ulm: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Kunze, Oliver (2011) How to Derive a Structure for Scientific Publications from Karl Poppers Scientific Theory. Working Paper, Nr. 19, Neu-Ulm: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Kunze, Oliver and Minner, Stefan and Wulfhorst, Gebhard (2016) Applying Systems Thinking (and System Dynamics) to City Logistics. In: (Proceedings of the) 10th International Conference on City Logistics ; Transportation Research Procedia ; 12, June, 17-19, 2015, Tenerife, Spain, pp. 692-706. (Transportation Research Procedia; 12). ISBN 9781510822245
Teoh, Tharsis and Kunze, Oliver (2016) Methodology to evaluate the operational suitability of Electromobility systems for urban logistics operations. In: (Proceedings of the) 10th International Conference on City Logistics ; Transportation Research Procedia ; 12, June, 17-19, 2015, Tenerife, Spain, pp. 288-300. ISBN 9781510822245
Kunze, Oliver and Teoh, Tharsis and Teo, Chee-Chong and Wulfhorst, Gebhard (2014) An Input-Output Focussed Approach to Characterize Freight Transport Models. In: ITS for Connected Mobility - Selected Papers from the mobil.TUM 2013 International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport / Busch, Fritz ; Spangler, Matthias (Hrsg.). München: Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik, TUM, pp. 27-42. (Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Verkehrstechnik; 22). ISBN 9783937631226
Kunze, Oliver (2005) Ein praxistauglicher Ansatz zur Lösung eines spezifischen D-VRSP-TW-UC. In: (Selected Papers of the) Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR). Jointly Organized with the Netherlands Society for Operations Research (NGB) ; Operations Research Proceedings 2004, September 1–3, 2004, Tilburg, Netherlands, pp. 174-183. ISBN 9783540276791
Kunze, Oliver (2004) A new interactive approach on route planning with tight delivery time windows. In: (Proceedings) of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics "Logistic Systems for Sustainable Cities", June, 25-27,2003, Madeira, Portugal, pp. 83-96. ISBN 9780080442600
Furmans, Kai and Di Mascolo, Maria and Kunze, Oliver (1995) Modeling a Kanban controlled supply relation: a case study. In: Tagungsband Jahrestagung 1995 IAR. IAR Deutsch-Französisches Institut für Automation und Robotik / Institut Franco-Allemand pour les Applications de la Recherche (IAR) Grenoble.
Teoh, Tharsis and Kunze, Oliver and Teo, Chee-Chong and Wulfhorst, Gebhard (2014) Analysis of electric vehicles used in urban logistics operations pilot projects. In: (Proceedings of the) World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCRTS) International Conference on “Climate Change and Transport”, October, 9-10, 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Kunze, Oliver (2016) Replicators, Ground Drones and Crowd Logistics A Vision of Urban Logistics in the Year 2030. Transportation Research Procedia, 19. pp. 286-299. ISSN 2352-1465
Kunze, Oliver and Fellner, Markus (2017) The Tactical Gap - Warum gute strategische Pläne in der Umsetzung scheitern. Controller Magazin : CM (3). pp. 37-42. ISSN 1616-0495
Kunze, Oliver and Schlatterer, Florian (2018) The Edgeworth Cube : an economic model for social peace. International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics, 7 (2). pp. 30-46.
Teoh, Tharsis and Kunze, Oliver and Teo, Chee-Chong and Wong, Yiik Diew (2018) Decarbonisation of Urban Freight Transport Using Electric Vehicles and Opportunity Charging. Sustainability, 10 (9). p. 3258. ISSN 2071-1050
Kunze, Oliver and Herrmann, Emanuel (2019) City Crowd Logistics Processes. Working Paper, Nr. 41, Neu-Ulm: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Herrmann, Emanuel and Kunze, Oliver (2019) Facility Location Problems in City Crowd Logistics. In: Urban Mobility - Shaping the Future Together : mobil TUM 2018 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport / Antoniou, Constantinos et al. (Eds). Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 117-134. (Transportation Research Procedia; 41). ISBN / ISSN 2352-1465
Li, Fang and Kunze, Oliver (2020) Comparing pick-by-vision to pick-by-paper : An experimental assessment of pick times, error rates and user satisfaction. Working Paper, Nr. 42, Neu-Ulm: Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.
Kunze, Oliver and Frommer, Fabian and Klinkova, Galiya (2019) The PQR-Analysis - A Management Method for the Assessment of 3D-Printing in Spare Part Logistics. In: (Proceedings of the) 2nd International Conference on Economics, Management and Technology (IEMT) "Bridging Entrepreneurship and Social Innovations", November, 19-21, 2019, Neu-Ulm, Germany.
Luzuriaga, Miguel and Heras, Antonio and Kunze, Oliver (2020) Hurting Others versus Hurting Myself, a Dilemma for Our Autonomous Vehicle. Review of Behavioral Economics, 7 (1). ISSN 2326-6201
Kunze, Oliver and Frommer, Fabian (2021) The Matrix vs. The Fifth Element—Assessing Future Scenarios of Urban Transport from a Sustainability Perspective. Sustainability - Special Issue "Smart and Connected Freight for Sustainable Cities", 13 (6). p. 3531. ISSN 2071-1050
Kunze, Oliver (2021) Drones in Freight Transport. In: International Encyclopedia of Transportation ; 3 / Vickerman, Roger (Ed.). London: Elsevier, pp. 374-381. ISBN 9780081026717
Kunze, Oliver and Herrmann, Emanuel and Nieto-Isaza, Santiago and Minner, Stefan (2021) City Crowd Logistics. In: (Proceedings of the) International Scientific Symposium on Logistics (ISSL), 15. Juni 2021, Bremen, Germany (virtual), pp. 125-131.
Kunze, Oliver and Frommer, Fabian and Klinkova, Galiya (2021) PQR Analysis - A Management Method for the Assessment of 3D-Printing in Spare Part Logistics. In: Bridging Entrepreneurship and Social Innovations / Steurer, Elmar ; Herrmann, Emanuel (Eds). Cambridge Scholar Publishing, pp. 2-28. ISBN 9781527569836
Li, Fang and Kunze, Oliver (2023) A Comparative Review of Air Drones (UAVs) and Delivery Bots (SUGVs) for Automated Last Mile Home Delivery. Logistics, 7 (2). Paper 21. ISSN 2305-6290
Kunze, Oliver and Schilp, Johannes and Frommer, Fabian and Oettl, Fabio and Klinkova, Galiya (2023) 3D-Druck für Führungskräfte : Technik, Prozesse, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umweltverträglichkeit der additiven Fertigung. 1. Aufl., München: Hanser. ISBN 9783446476042